207 348-6602 | Worship every Sunday @ 10 a.m. Zoom available.
We would be glad to talk to you anytime. In the meantime, here are some possible questions you might have.
Our worship is rooted in the congregational tradition, as is our faith and order documents. Our worship life is a four-fold pattern of praise, confession, the Word, prayer and sending forth. We are always open to new ways of proclaiming the good news. We follow the church year and love to explore its themes: waiting in darkness during Advent, the joyful arrival of the newborn King, following the star in Epiphany, the deepening introspection of Lent, the new life of Easter, and the birth and growth of the Church. Each season teaches us something new about our faith and about ourselves.
We partake of Communion on the first Sunday of every month. The last Sunday of the month is “Hymn Spotlight” Sunday. We take a close look at some of our favorite hymns, who wrote them, and what they add to our understanding of how God works in our lives. We do this with a brief reflection on each hymn as opposed to one central sermon. Frequently worship will center around an “Island Story” offered on a topic of cultural or historical interest. There is a “faith lesson for all ages” whether we have children with us or not. We love it when we do, and there is a special area in the rear of the sanctuary with activities for them.
We like to think that our worship is rooted to the past, but not stuck in the past!
We acknowledge God’s acceptance of every individual and Jesus’ commandment to love one another. We welcome all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, to worship and enter into the full life and ministry of this church. We strive for justice and equality for all of God’s children in our journey of faith. This means we are welcoming to all people: LGBTQ, the unchurched, the teenager, the people from away, the lonely, the elderly, the busy, the poor, and all those who feel somehow marginalized.
Ours is a community church and provides a welcome to all. Just show up to any of our activities and we will be glad for your presence.
Generally speaking, yes, with permission and the presence of the pastor. Contact the church office.
The Fellowship Hall is available for use by the community. Contact the office and we will send the form to you. There may be a small rental fee for the use.
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