207 348-6602 | Worship every Sunday @ 10 a.m. Zoom available.
What is happening at DISCC this week
This Week: First Sunday of Lent
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, and Sunday the 9th is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent stretches 40 days, a symbolic parallel of Jesus’ time in the wilderness following his baptism by his cousin John. We observe this beginning of our journey with Jesus to the cross with a pair of healing stories from Matthew. 8:5-17. Jesus heals both the servant of a Roman centurion and Peter’s mother-in-law. People see the new authority at work in these healings, and the public ministry of Jesus is met with high expectations. The power of touch in healing is highlighted, as well as the emphasis on healing in someone’s home, at the sickbed. The sacred meets the everyday in these earliest Christian communities. On Sunday our hymns and liturgy will lift up the healing power of Jesus’ touch, then and now.
ZOOM link:
Photo credit Marnie Reed Crowell
For those who may be grieving the present state of our country . . .
For those who fear for the most vulnerable among us (immigrants, refugees, folks in the LGBTQ community, people of color, those who are economically disadvantaged) . . .
For those who are watching in dismay as programs serving those in greatest need both at home and around the world are being defunded . . .
For those who are mourning the spirit of meanness and revenge that pervades our present political landscape . . .
For those who are asking, “What can I do? Where can I turn for courage, support and hope?” . . .
For anyone experiencing such feelings of anger, despair and hopelessness, you are invited to attend a “Gathering for These Difficult Times” at St. Brendan on Tuesday February 25 at 4:00. During our time together there will be readings, music, silence, conversation, and an opportunity to create a sense of community in these fractured times. People of all faith traditions (as well as no faith traditions) are welcome.
There will be such a “Gathering for These Difficult Times” at St. Brendan every fourth Tuesday of the month at 4:00. The gathering in March will be on March 25. Any questions, please call the church office at 348-6240.
March 4 from 4-6 pm they will be serving a Pancake Supper. This is “Mardi Gras” or “Shrove Tuesday” or “Fat Tuesday” – the day before the beginning of Lent.
On March 5, they will hold an Ash Wednesday service at 5 pm. This is a combined service – Pastor Kim will take part in leading this service.
Wednesdays March 12, 19 and 26, and April 2 and 9 from 10:30-12:00 – Tim Ensworth will lead us in a series called “Images of Resurrection” using artwork from around the world. This will be both in-person and over Zoom.
Join us every Thursday at 10:00 am!
This is a group that is just for fun! We have toys and books and music to share, and coffee or tea for the moms and caregivers. Get out of the house and enjoy the kids and conversation! It’s free, and meets every Thursday morning at the Deer Isle/Sunset Congregational church (the big white church in Deer Isle) at 10 a.m
The Meet the Candidates event was well attended – over 100 people in person and on Zoom. It gave candidates an opportunity to introduce themselves to Island residents, gave the audience an opportunity to ask questions, and provided time for one-on-one conversations with the candidates. There were lots of great questions for the candidates and thoughtful responses.
Finally, a Sunday without a snowstorm allowed about 80 people to gather to enjoy a lasagna supper. So wonderful to see so many friends and neighbors!
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